How To Use Male Condom in A Proper Way?

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There are lot of condoms in the market. Condoms are used as a sheath-shaped barrier device. Condoms are used for during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection. Now a days you can found male and female both type of condoms in a pharmacy.

Proper Way To Use A Male Condom

What You Will Do and Don’ts

  • Use condom when every time you have sex.
  • Before having your sex with your partner use condom
  • Before wearing the condom please check the expiration date
  • Check twice your condoms are damaged or not
  • Always try to store your condoms in a cool place
  • Use latex or polyurethane condoms.
  • Also you can use lubrication gel to enjoy more
  • DON’T store condoms in your wallet as heat and friction can damage them.
  • DON’T use nonoxynol-9 (a spermicide), as this can cause irritation.
  • DON’T use oil-based products like baby oil, lotion, petroleum jelly, or cooking oil because they will cause the condom to break.
  • DON’T use more than one condom at a time.
  • DON’T reuse a condom.

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